Saturday, May 20, 2006

sayings from the southland

There are lots of sayings from the south. I know I must have 100s that I use and I am not even conscious of dem. Okay I cannot spell either. I learned fonix as a kid and that has shaped me in some interesting ways.

I remember hearing in church that cleanliness is next to godliness. Or was that from my mother? I am not sure. We took our bathes on Saturday evening whether we needed to or not so it may have been her that I heard or it could have been my 4th grade Sunday School teacher. I know it was not my 5th grade teacher because he took us spelunking (caving) and we got dirty and he would have never said cleanliness is next to godliness.

It is interesting but I have also heard that from deacons who have said that "orderliness is next to godliness. I guess that sounds rather "deaconish". They must have learned that from their mother as well and adapted it. Just kidding.

I have another one that I have never heard but it seems to be the practice of the day. It would go like this. "busyness is next to godliness". It is easy to point fingers these days at America. Everyone does it. It is the thing to do. I could say this is something that is about the culture in America and I would probably be fairly correct. I recently went to the states for a couple of months this past summer. I was there for almost three months. I got to go to a lot of churches and catch up with a lot of my friends in church life. I noticed how "busy" everyone was.

I came up with a sermon but I have not had an opportunity to preach it. I would probably not be invited back anywhere if I said what I wanted to. Perhaps I could give you the message on a blog. The first point would be: Busyness. I see that as something that has invaded our churches.
We have become soooooooooo busy that it is a wonder that we can experience God. It can make one very tired and burned out trying to keep up with the programs and schedules of the churches. Not to mention that as we are so busy going to church we run the danger of being too busy to "be" the church to the very people we are suppose to "be" in community with. We also are so busy doing church that we do not have time for anyone outside of the church unless they come to the church with us. So then we have made the church a place where we must invite the lost in order for them to be found instead of going into the world as our Lord asked us to do. It seems rather confusing , but I am worried about this busyness.

I could be pious and say that I am worried about this aspect of church life in the United States but I am rather worried about it due to my own life and addictions. I am much more excited about checking my email and clicking the finished button on a task than I am spending time with my supposedly best friend in the world: Jesus. I am much more excited about doing things rather than being the person I need to be or the husband I need to be or the father I need to be.

WHY ??

I am too busy. I can be too busy for such simple things in my life as prayer, quiet time, worship, reflection, journalling, walking in the park. I do not have the excuse of living in the states. I am in a country that is about as laid back as one can be and I still have managed to become busy and addicted to "doing" things instead of "being".

I need to go back and read the story of Mary and Martha but I am too busy to do that. I am so much like Martha that I do not even remember what Mary did. smile. Just kidding. I do remember that Jesus really liked that Mary sat at his feet and was content with being with just him and in his presence. I bet Mary did not know how to use Outlook or Excel though. I bet she knew nothing about scheduling appointments and ordering her day like Martha and myself.

So I can point my finger to the american church and call it too busy but I must realize the part I play in this. I am also very busy and I need to also slow down and smell the coffee. Actually drinking coffee is one that I do right and I do not go through a cup of coffee too quickly. You have to enjoy it. I need to practice that in my other relationships. My relationship with the Savior. My relationship with my wife and my children and my co-workers and my friends. Perhaps if I could BE that way (notice I did not say "if i could do that.. i am learning) then i could in effect help the church out. What if all of us practiced "being" rather than "doing".

Put that on your outlook and check it off.

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