Sunday, July 23, 2006


We have been in the states for the last week. I wanted to post some thoughts some things that seem different.

Mayberry USA

Granted I live in the South. I live in a mid size city so it is larger than the famed Mayberry, North Carolina from the Andy Griffith show in the 60s BUT... I have noticed at least one thing about life here that is different than Madrid.

I like to run. I need to run more and eat less but that is really another blog but I was running the other day here through a neighborhood and something was strangely different. When I run in Madrid it is as if I am running and no one else notices. You pass a person and they will not even look at you and they would never think of addressing you and saying "hola" or "como estas?" or waving a hello to you.

BUT when I was running here the other day I forgot what a social deal this was. You have to tell everyone hello, you have to smile, you have to wave, you have to look them in the eyes. It is so exhausting to run here since you have to do so many things while trying to keep your pace up.
Why cant a person just run. smile

Stay tuned for some more re-entries.

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