Wednesday, December 28, 2005

I was reading this morning from a devotional book from the guy who wrote "Wild at heart". I feel like such a wimp sometimes after reading his books but he says some pretty neat things and some things that I really like. He says something that I dont like either but thats not the point of this blog.

The point of this blog is to simply restate something that he wrote and this way you do not need to read the entire book or try to find the page this devotional was one in order to benefit. This is providing I accurately restate his state.

He was writing about quiet time and how men "do" quiet time or "dont do" quiet time. He said something pretty profound for my simple mind. QT is simply connecting with God. Now this is hard for a pastor or Christian worker such as I to accept. Afterall I spent a lot of study hours in seminary and theological education and reading and studying about the disciplines of being a Christ follower. To say that the purpose of our QT is to "connect with God" is well ... TRUE.

BUT .. so many times I try to do everything in the quiet time. I memorize scripture, study, read, write, pray, etc... I find myself trying to connect with God and sometimes that is like trying to plug in a lamp in a dark room. I cannot find the outlet. I think I often try too hard to connect. I make it more work than it needs to be. I feel like it has to be some formula. Why can I not as the author says realize that some days it may be a hike in the forest, other days a song, other days a scripture other days a "blog". Speaking of in 2006 I will do more blogs. Atleast this is my hope. I know my mother reads them so I have that going for me.

Again, the point of our daily time with God is to connect with Him. Sure, I need to study deep into the word of God at times. I need to memorize scripture some. etc.. but I need to chill out about trying to make my QT the catch all and be all in my relationship with the Lord. I would do well to be in more of a "constant communion with the Savior".

adios de madrid

Saturday, December 24, 2005

irony of nations

We were walking in downtown madrid last night and we were near one my favorite parts of the city, plaza de cibeles. It is here where you can see the rather large Post Office which looks more like a Palace. Atleast I know where the money for postage goes. The Banco de Espana which I am told is sort of like the USA's Fort Knox. The Casa de America and then a ministry building. It was at the ministry building which is a governmental building of Spain where I noted this irony.

Here I am in Spain and in a country where less than 2 percent of the people would say they have a personal relationship with Christ. A place where we feel called to share our lives and witness to our friends. It was at this governmental place where I saw a large navity scene. Complete with Mary, Joseph, Jesus and all the animals and shepherds, angels and kings.

I heard music being piped out (in english) about the birth of our Saviour. It was at this place where it dawned on me that I am in a country to share the good news and in this country I can actually hear the good news at a federal building.

I work for a Christian Organization that is located in a country where you could not see the navity scene on federal property and you could not hear the story of the good news of the birth of Christ in song from federal property.

It seems rather ironic to me that this happens this way. What does this say about Spain? What does this say about the USA? How far have we strayed as a country where we cannot celebrate the meaning of Christmas on public property? We are led by a man who is Christian. We have many politicans now that are consertavie and have strong Christian values. We have many evangelical churches. Yet, on public property you cannot have the Good News of Christmas demonstrated.

Iam amazed at the irony. It is no wonder that many countries send people to the states to evangelize. It is needed. Perhaps we have lost our way.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Puerta de Alcala, Arpil 2005 Posted by Hello

movin on

Movin' On

Sometimes we are asked : "when are you all coming home?". I usually get a surprised look on their faces when I give them my normal answer: "We are home but we will be visiting the states soon." We try (some days I must admit are better than others) to call wherever we are "home". In this season of our journey Western Europe is our home and more specifically Spain. We love Spain. We love living abroad with all of its challenges. While we miss at times what we used to call "home" and someday may call "home" once again we feel where we live now is "home". Following me??? I hope so.

If we do not live our lives with this orientation then home sickness amongst other things could get mixed in with our "calling". We had to "burn our ships" so to speak. I think there is some historical story of where the captain burned his ships so his crew nor himself would be tempted to go back. I did not do well in history so I do not remember what that referenced to or if it was just a story a "preacher" used one time. It is a nice thought.

If we try to live in both places it becomes difficult and can get messy and confusing. So we call this place home. It is our new life. It is our new way of life.
It is not always easy but it is home.

I was reading in Romans the other day about "movin on" with your life but as it relates to living a life of victory in Jesus Christ not continuing to live in a life of sin that you left behind. I think at times we have a memory lapse and we try to go back in revisit it at times. We even think to ourselves that God is a God of grace and will forgive us and we go back to take a visit to the old life.

But this is not the way we need to live. This new life is our home and offers everything we need to content and to have joy.

Romans 6
When Death Becomes Life
1So what do we do? Keep on sinning so God can keep on forgiving? 2I should hope not! If we've left the country where sin is sovereign, how can we still live in our old house there? 3Or didn't you realize we packed up and left there for good? That is what happened in baptism. When we went under the water, we left the old country of sin behind; when we came up out of the water, we entered into the new country of grace--a new life in a new land!
That's what baptism into the life of Jesus means. 4When we are lowered into the water, it is like the burial of Jesus; when we are raised up out of the water, it is like the resurrection of Jesus. 5Each of us is raised into a light-filled world by our Father so that we can see where we're going in our new grace-sovereign country.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

A shot of Madrid at dusk

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Where are you God?

Read This Psalm Slowly and Carefully
Psalm 54

1God, for your sake, help me! Use your influence to clear me.
2Listen, God--I'm desperate.
Don't be too busy to hear me.
3Outlaws are out to get me,
hit men are trying to kill me.
Nothing will stop them;
God means nothing to them.
4Oh, look! God's right here helping!
GOD's on my side, 5Evil is looping back on my enemies.
Don't let up! Finish them off!
6I'm ready now to worship, so ready.
I thank you, GOD-you're so good.
7You got me out of every scrape,
and I saw my enemies get it.

I do not know what you understood from this passage. Sometimes when we read things we see them differently. I read this passage from other translations such as the NIV and the NLT (New Living Translation) but THE MESSAGE really opens up a thought for me on this. I could really identify with the Psalmist in this version. I highlighted in color the verse that literally jumped out at me.

I was having coffee with one of my friends the other day. He is not a believer. Oh, he believes that there is a God but does not believe that God is actively working in the world today. He is a modern day version of Karl Marx who said “religion is the opium of the masses”. But as we finished coffee and went back into our daily lives and routines those thoughts and his conversation lingered in my mind. The very next morning I was reading a Psalm. I try (emphasis on try) to read a Psalm, a Proverb and then a chapter from the Bible everyday. One thing I know: I am not perfect. I miss some days.

Back to the story: I was reading Psalm 54 and then all of a sudden it jumped at me:
4Oh, look! God's right here helping!
This verse is so me! Here I am going along in life. Sometimes things are good and sometimes my life seems such a mess. In this case the Psalmist was citing how tough life was at the moment. He was telling about his desperation and pleading for God to rescue him and help him. He was pleading with God to not be so busy that He has no time to help me. THEN (from this version of scripture) it reads like the author suddenly realizes that God is active in his world today. God is actively helping him daily. God is involved in his life. If it were not for God he would not even survive.
I do not know about you but I know for me I could write the same psalm. God, where are you? I am hurting? People are trying to harm me? I need you. Don’t be too busy to hear my request. BUT.. then I realize that God is with me. God is helping me. God is actively involved in my life. God does care about my requests and needs no matter how small. I sometimes overlook what God is doing in my life. I think for me it is because I get so busy and caught up in my day that I leave God out. I am moving too fast to see where God is working. But.. now I know. He is working in my life. And Yours…
Lets not forget as the psalmist reminds us at the end : THANK YOU GOD for YOU ARE GOOD.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

A really cool building in Madrid

adapting to the culture

One thing that we have had to learn is to adapt to the culture here in Madrid. There are many things that look like home: PC City, McDonalds, countless Starbucks, malls, walmart type stores called CarreFour, German and Swedish Cars, golf courses, and the list could go on.

There are also a lot of things that are different: bullfights, running with the bulls, eating lunch at 3 pm and dinner at 11 pm, walking everywhere, public transportation, eating all the parts of a pig, and this list could go on and on as well.

As internationals living and working overseas we have to adapt to the culture that we are living in. We have to learn their language and learn about their customs. This is healthy and it is essential if one is going to live for a while overseas.

However, there is a danger. I do not know how much nor often that I have thought about this but when I read The Message yesterday it struck me in a new way. I think this is true regardless of where you live. You could be living in the same small town for 30 years or you could have just moved to a large metro area or could have just moved into the college culture. I think this is true when you move overseas as well.

There is a danger of over identifying with the culture. What if some of the things of the culture should not be learned or better still ... acted out. I know for instance here in Western Europe that it is not a society that prides itself in being dependent upon God. It is not a culture that seeks a personal deep relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a culture of secularism. It is a culture in this season of world history that is rather rich. Thier euro is pretty strong right now compared to the US dollar. It is a culture where "anything goes" and being tolerant is the name of the game. It is a culture of openness. It is a culture where morality is not always a high value.

As a follower of Christ it can be dangerous to be put into such a culture suddenly. It is like we have to adapt to the culture but at the same time learn to make the right choices amidst living in a culture such as this. In some ways it could be compared with living away from home for the first time like in college. But the subtle danger of living in such a culture is to be lulled into becoming self dependent, materialistic, secularistic and little by little becoming loose in your thinking and moral choices. Maybe not suddenly but maybe a better metaphor would be "drifting" and then suddenly you realize you are far from where you need to be.

Let me print out The Message and see if this makes more sense now.

Romans 12
Place Your Life Before God

1So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life--your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life--and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. 2Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

The idea here is not to be conformed to the world which is easy to do especially when you are trying to fit in. The life God wants you to live is to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

think and live,


Monday, April 04, 2005

the message

From time to time I read verses in the Bible that really stick to me. Verses that somehow or in someway just make sense out of my life. My profession has always been a "full time Christian worker". This title has come in very different roles. I have been a pastor, a minister on staff of a large church, a seminary student studying theology, a church starter, a worker in a denominational office and a worker overseas. But I have pretty much lived my adult life (since 20) working in a Christian vocation.

As I try to think about my life and how I am living it as I approach middle age or as the author Bob Buford says "Halftime" I ran across this verse:

7This is my life work: helping people understand and respond to this Message. It came as a sheer gift to me, a real surprise, God handling all the details. Ephesians 3:7

I do not think of myself as a great evangelist. I do not think that I actually share my faith enough atleast in the formal sense or the way that many of us were taught to. However, this seems to be a verse that describes my passion and role in life. I feel that my role is to help people connect with God. I want people to see that the Message is not as complex as we have made it. I want to help people that in some way or in some form have been turned off by the church, by organized religion, or disappointed in God. I want to see them respond to God and follow Him and put thier faith in Him.

Now here is the part that is hypothetical atleast in my life. This verse applies can apply to everyone. Sure, the Apostle Paul wrote it and it was a true description of his life. I in a much lesser way can say this is who I am (I would not even think of comparing myself to Paul). But I think no matter what your profession is, if you have a heart for God and you want to see others come to God through a relationship with Jesus then this verse can describe you as well. You can make this be true in your life whether you are a lawyer, futbol star, taxi driver or high school teacher. In fact ... I think it may be easier for you to do this than it is for me.

You have the natural credibility that I do not have. If I am sharing my faith I can often be "discounted" as a religous person, a pastor, etc.. As one person said "I get paid to be good". But if you are working in the real world then you have the opportunity to be the salt and light in a natural way. You can share your life with others in a real and authentic way and your life can become "Contagious". People will wonder why you are different because they see the way the Message was meant to be. I think our best testimony is living an authentic life as a follower of Jesus and that draws people into spiritual conversations and intrigue. No matter where you are and what you do in this world you can be a person that helps people understand the Message.

Live the life this week and let people read the Message by observing your life.

for further reading : John 3:16

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Running On Empty

It makes little difference how fast you are in 100 meters when the race is 400 meters.
George MacDonald

Looking out at the road rushing under my wheels
Looking back at the years gone by like so many summer fields
In sixty-five I was seventeen and running up one-o-one
I don’t know where I’m running now, I’m just running on
Running on - running on empty
Running on - running blind
Running on - running into the sun
But I’m running behind
Running on Empty, Jackson Browne

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.
Apostle Paul, 1 Corinthians 9:24

The other day I was taking my kids to school. Suddenly while going up a large hill in our neighborhood I heard a little "ding" go off in my car. Then since it is such a smart car on the dash board a computer message came up and told me that "we were very low on fuel". We were in a traffic jam and this is a new car. I had no idea how long we could run on empty. In the states I knew that the warning light usually means you have plenty of time to get gas. BUT ... we are not in the states. Some things are different here. To make matters worse, our car started to make a very unique smell. A smell of fumes, I thought. I am not a mechanic but for the sake of this story I think we were out of gas and literally running on fumes. Luckily I
I made it to the gas station.

I say all of that because it seems like a very good metaphor for how I have been feeling lately. I feel like I have been running on fumes. I feel drained emotionally, physically and even spiritually. I know the warning light has went off. I can feel it. But what does one do when you are out of gas personally. I know there has to be some 10 step book to this problem. I know there has to be a message out there that is a good three point sermon by some well intending pastor. All of the points probably start with the same letter. I know there are solutions. Probably a good google search would be give me 100000000 's of solutions.

BUT ... I am not sure that is what works. Sure they can help. I know I am probably not the only one who is or has experienced this feeling of "empty". I think it happens quite regularly with "driven" people. We just become so preoccupied with our success, our "to do" list that we simply forget to stop at the gas station and re-fuel.

This is what I must do on a regular basis. I need to stop and re-fuel. I think each person has a different type of fuel therefore it can be different ways of refueling, not a simply 5 step process.

I remember hearing a message one time by Bill Hybels (pastor of Willowcreek Church) about the three guages. He talked about your emotional, physical and spiritual guages. It was probably the best message I ever heard on that subject and I do not think it had some pre-set process to help you. It talked about taking the daily time of checking your guages. The reason I ran out of gas in my car was one of two reasons and probably a little of both.

I did not look at my gas guage before I took off that morning for my errands. But, I looked at the gas guage a few days before and remembered thinking : "Wow, we need gas in the car." YET.. I did nothing about it. My life is like that also. I often do not check my guages enough and sometimes I do notice the levels are low and do nothing about it. Both can have the same result: running out of gas.

I see life and my service to God as a marathon not a dash therefore I must keep a check on my guages. I have to find ways of refueling even amongst my "busyness". I do not have a lot of set answers for this. I am really hoping to write this and as a result do something about my "gas guage" and if someone else reads this that they may look at their levels as well.

I know for me reading scripture and writing a little about it seems to fill me up. I know it is important for me to read and think about the Bible. It is water and food for the soul.

Drink and Eat.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

being a father

I have been thinking a lot lately about ...

being a good father.
I guess it is dawning on me that we have a girl who now has 14 years and a son who has 9 years. The Spanish people use the word "have" regarding thier ages. Yo tengo años.

I was explaining to one of my Spanish friends who is also a father of a young teenager the other day that we do not have our kids living with us much past 18. Once they turn 18 they go to college, then get a job and their apartment and so on.. Here they often live with their parents until the get married which is not that bad but they often do not get married until they are 30. wow. In that case my friend has several more years to be concerned but we do not. We have less than 4 years before she enters into college. Of course we would still be able to speak into her life but not like she is while she is at home.

This is exactly what I have been thinking. Am I speaking into my kids the things that will prepare them to be a well functioning adult some day. Will they be responsible? Will they be hard workers? Will they be trsut worthy ? Will they keep a clean house? Will they make their bed? Will they practice piano without us here to tell them ? or even brush their teeth without being told? All of these things matter to me?

What will our kids be like when they grow up? I have been thinking about these things lately and I hope I am pouring into my kids like I do my work. I read a book by Andy Stanley where he says " Love your family and do your work not love your work and do your family. I really disliked the way that hit me. I way too often pour myself into my work and it is a very noble job for the world and then I give my wife and kids the leftovers. I do not know about you but do you really eat the leftovers in the fridge? More often than not I do not because why? Because they are just that: leftovers. They are the scraps, Sure it may not be bad but it is not the fresh off the stove stuff that you ate the day before.

I want to give my wife and kids much more than I normally give them. For me I constantly have to draw boundaries and say no and schedule it in my outlook before someone takes it. But I also must more into my life the life of Christ and experience his fullness. As He fills me up then I have more good things to give and out of my overflow come my actions and words and this is what I can give my kids.

They will not be Christ followers just because we go to church most Sundays. We want them to see Jesus in us 24/7. We want them to see us live our lives in an authentic way in front of them. This is what we want them to catch. One of my friends Rodd Rhode says that Christianity is not taught but caught. If that is the case then it is very important how I live my life in front of my kids.

larry de madrid

Friday, March 11, 2005

The Prodigal Son by Rembrandt
The Lost Son Coming Home

In remembrance of March 11th, Madrid

Friday, March 11th, 2005

Today marks one year since the Madrid train station bombings. As I watched the news this morning on the television they have planned several events here today honoring those victims.
There will be 5 minutes of silence at 12 noon. It is hard to believe that a year has passed. So many things have changed so many things are the same.

It a large urban area such as Madrid life goes on at a rapid pace but those touched personally will never be the same. They have lived a year of pain and hurt and for many despair.

I am reading a book by Henri Nouwen entitle the Prodigal Son. It is about the parable that Jesus tells us in scripture about the father with two sons and the yougner one wanted his inheritance NOW. He received it and took off for another country and then squandered it on wild living. He bascially tried to survive for a time living off of waste. He finally wants to come home and face his past. As he journeys home his father greets him. He welcomes him in open arms. He embraces him and his son falls to his knees. This is the portrait that Rembrant captured and that Nouwen writes about. The image of a son returning to the Father.

This morning in my time with my heavenly Father I was drawn to the passages below. I was drawn to what Jesus said of those who are tired, heavy laden, worn out, burned out, burnt,
He says to me. Learn from me. Let me carry you. I still remember this verse and a song that was written about this years ago by Scott Wesley Brown entitled "He will Carry You". If you know this song it will put you back in the Big 80s but it is a "grace" song. It is about accepting the love Jesus offers you.

Here are the verses I read this morning from three different translations. It is my pray that the people of Madrid will seek the love and grace of Jesus. That they will come to Him and let Him minister to them. For what I have learned on my journey is that when I feel tired, lonely, hurt, etc... I often examine my life and relaize I have not been in my Father's arms

Matthew 11:28-30 (New Living Translation)
New Living Translation (NLT)
Holy Bible. New Living Translation copyright © 1996 by Tyndale Charitable Trust. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers.
28Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light."

Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message)
The Message (MSG)
Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson
28"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. 29Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. 30Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

Mateo 11:28-30
28Ustedes viven siempre angustiados; siempre preocupados. Vengan a mí, y yo los haré descansar.
29 Obedezcan mis mandamientos y aprendan de mí, pues yo soy paciente y humilde de verdad. Conmigo podrán descansar.
30 Lo que yo les impongo no es difícil de cumplir; la carga que les hago llevar no es pesada".

Saturday, March 05, 2005

experience life

Lately I have been taking a different approach to my devotional life. I have been reading an entire book of the Bible for the entire month. I simply read it over and over and over and over and over, you get the picture.

I will read it in NIV version, Espanol and in the Message. For some reason in this season I have been enjoying reading out of The Message. Today I read First John. It is also pretty cool with some of the New Testament books in that you can read the entire book in one setting. I can do this and I have a hard time focusing on anything for any amount of time.

From the book of First John and the first chapter.

3We saw it, we heard it, and now we're telling you so you can experience it along with us, this experience of communion with the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. 4Our motive for writing is simply this: We want you to enjoy this, too. Your joy will double our joy!

It would have been pretty awesome to have been around in those days. These guys experienced Jesus in real time. They were with him. They heard him teach. They are with him and drink with him. They went to parties with Him. They hung out with him at the Lake. They talked deeply and they probably talked about sports and weather some as well.

They also saw him crucified. They experienced those hours on the cross in that way. They also experienced the resurrection. They talked with him after that. They experienced the Day of Pentecost where the Holy Spirit came upon them. They saw the early church when it was very early. They were able to experience "Communion" with Jesus.

As a result the writer tells us that they can remember this. But the writer also speaks to us today. Jesus lives in my heart today. Sure, I did not get to eat with him and go to parties or sit by the lake with him but I can experience life with him. He becomes real to me. He is personal.
I want to tell others about this experience but I also want others to experience this new life as well.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

squeezing out God

I read this morning here in Madrid. It is snowing outside which is extremely unusual here. When I awoke at 630 am everything was white.

15Don't love the world's ways. Don't love the world's goods. Love of the world squeezes out love for the Father. 16Practically everything that goes on in the world--wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important--has nothing to do with the Father. It just isolates you from him. 17The world and all its wanting, wanting, wanting is on the way out--but whoever does what God wants is set for eternity.

I feel that this verse best sums up "life in a material world" and its effect on the follower of Christ. It is a challenge. It is a temptation. It is a subtle manner in which we may live. We try to live not of the world but in it as we learn in youth group in the 80s but we get sucked in by little choices as time goes on.

We want our own way.
We want things for ourself
We want to appear important.

All of these things can be going on in your life and you not really recognize it but then you realize that you have squeeze out God. You have lost your first love (revelation church)

We become as the paraphraser of the Message says: isolated from God. Help me today Lord to not make those type of decisions. Help me to include you in on my life and my decisions. I do not want to squeeze you out of my life. When I do ... I lose. I lose in my realtionship with you and with my realtnioship with other people that I love and other people that I do not even know.


Monday, February 21, 2005


i am always amazed at the castles in spain. Today we went to see the castle called Melina del campo. It is so old but looks brand new. It is in such remarkable shape. To my knowledge like one near madrid called Manazares it never saw a battle, it was not used for defense but rather it was used for "show". The rich or the royal or both wanted to show off their fortress. They decided that building a castle would be the best way to show off their strength,their wealth, their position, thier :height over the common people. It was a design from the past when the defended themselves from the Moors. It was something created for rembrance. They now have many nice meetings in these buldings. They host important conferences. They have solemn ceremonies there. I wonder what are the similiarites between the castles and the cathedrals of spain. They both are large, beautiful, strong, and now often visited by tourist but at some point they were functional. They were used and attended. What are the monuments that we build in our lives that show off who we are, shore up or weaknesses or fears? What do we want to be remembered by?